About Company

First Assist LLC provides assistance to tourists since 2016, in full compliance with the terms of the insurance contract. Upon the occurrence of an insured event organizes medical care, hospitalization, treatment, transportation of the insured to the place of permanent residence, and also provides legal assistance, if it is provided by the terms of insurance.

Services are provided to everyone who has a medical or legal insurance policy: individuals, individual entrepreneurs, tourist groups, organizations that send their employees to work abroad. The cost of assistance services depends on the list of selected services.

The company localizes the consequences of an insured event, conducts an examination and gives expert opinion on the causes of the insured event, assesses the amount of damage and organizes work to eliminate the consequences of the insured event, deals with the settlement of claims.

First Assist LLC, being an intermediary between an insurance company and medical centers, travel agencies, transport organizations strives to provide services at the highest level in accordance with the standards adopted in the industry.

Official name: ООО "Первая ассистирующая компания"
Name in English: First Assist LLC
INN: 9718000250 KPP: 770901001 OGRN: 1167746330916
Legal address: 105120, Moscow, 3rd Syromyatnichesky lane, 3/9 p. 1
Telephone: +7(495) 133-76-67, +7(495) 122-10-86 E-Mail: info@first-assit.ru


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